A company's largest HR Management in Indonesia, requires energy - energy professionals to be placed in PT Bank Panin Tbk to fill the following positions:
Teller (TR)
(Jakarta Raya dan Karawang)
* Women, Single
* Age Max. 26 Years
* Minimum education S1, IPK 2.75
* Having good communication skills and customer oriented
* Having a good interpersonal skill, honest, fast-learner and a healthy body
* Look interesting, communicative, min height 160 cm and the ideal body weight
* Master computer, minimum Microsoft Office & the Internet
* Able to communicate in English oral and written
* Free
* Gaji Pokok
* Career ladder in the Company Nasional / Multinasional
* Jaringan di seluruh kota Indonesia
Please send application, CV and recent photo via email to:
atau SMS Nama, Kota, Umur, Pendidikan dan No Handphone ke :
0812 1919 2439 / 0858 8529 8991
YM : hr_pelangi@yahoo.com